All of you nerds already know of Freezepop, I’m sure. With songs appearing in a few popular video games and having played PAX a few times, Freezepop has been in nerd culture enough already. Of course, it is a specific branch of nerd culture and I’ll explain a bit for those of you in other areas. Freezepop are, technically, a synthpop band. Their sound is really damned close to an old gameboy though and a lot of their songs deal with nerd culture.

I discovered Freezepop when they played at PAX a few years ago. I was listening to some of the bands that would be playing and really ended up taking a shine to Freezepop. There are a few things about them that annoy me though. They remix the shit out of every song. The video below is the original version of a track that I think I have ten different copies of. Some of the remixes really really suck too.