The 15th Annual Funnybook Awards (Comic Book Discussion Podcast)
Our 15th Annual Funnybook Awards! Spoilers below on nominees and winners:
Our 15th Annual Funnybook Awards! Spoilers below on nominees and winners:
The Funnybooks Crew get on the mics to chat all the major releases and news of 2024, and what they’re most excited about for 2025. Next episode will be our annual Funnybooks Awards, discussing our favorite comics of 2024! Send us your favorites at!
The boys return to the mics in a special episode to chat the first two episodes of the new Disney + series, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, and its first two episodes, “This Could Be a Real Adventure,” and “Way, Way Out Past the Barrier.”
The boys are back (sans Aron) to talk about recent major releases, The Joker 2 movie bombing, the Amalgam Universe collection drama, and more!