I love Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune for the Ps3 like I love the Indiana Jones movies (except Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, obviously). This is a game that I completed back in December of 2007 and still don’t have the heart to trade in. In comparison, I beat FEAR 2 and traded it in fifteen minutes later for a shiny new copy of Resident Evil 5. It just feels like one of those things you have to own if you have a Ps3. Kind of, well, like if they release Indiana Jones on Blu-Ray. If you have a blu-ray player, it’s kind of a moral imperative that you own it.
Well, sometime this holiday season (GameStop.com says 10/1/09, but I figure we’re looking at closer to November), the sequel, Uncharted: Among Thieves gets released for the Ps3, and it’s already looking quite snazzy.
Don’t know much about Uncharted? Well, the original Drake’s Fortune, tells the story of Nathan Drake, descendant of explorer Sir Francis Drake, as he searches for the lost treasure of El Dorado. He meets a journalist along the way named Elena Fisher and, together with his buddy Sully, they get in all sorts of cinmatic-level trouble. The soundtrack to the game rivals anything I’ve ever heard in a motion picture (it gets heavy rotation on my iPod), the voice work is fantastic, the action is exciting. I almost wish that they’d make a movie out of it, but I can’t imagine any movie being quite as good as the experience in making the game. And not only does it have Indy quality action, it even features (spoiler) Descent-type monsters in the underground in one of the most suspenseful scenes I’ve ever played in any video game!
I think Uncharted may be one of the most graphically beautiful games I’ve ever seen too. It’s hard to imagine how they’re going to top it. Still, I have faith in designers Naughty Dog (Jak and Daxter, Crash Bandicoot). Details about the game are starting to get out, thanks to a new interview at Ign. Check out more after the jump.
Below are the two trailers that have been released thus far for the sequel. I dig the idea of the snow levels. Not sure how they play into the ruined city pictures I’ve seen, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. Special prize for the first person to name the movie that the “object” in the second video came from!
Purchase Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune using the link below!