Last week, I wrote about the upcoming intervention the hosts of Fear the Boot have planned for Dan Repperger. Dan, you see, just can’t wrap his head around any number of character concepts or campaign settings. His fellow hosts are planning on helping him out of his funk by getting him excited about a genre he has previously held in low regard due to its “limited” potential for extended play – the superhero campaign.
Before I share my thoughts on what makes for great Supers games (a subject for another day), I’d like to share my insight as to the root of Dan’s problem in general. Are you ready?
Here it comes.
He’s too quick with the “no.”
Like a liquor store on Christmas Day, his brain has a big sign on it declaring: SORRY, WE’RE CLOSED!
The no is ever-present with Dan. Always in his back pocket, ready to be presented at a moment’s notice. Wanna play a pack of wolves struggling to survive against ever-encroaching mankind…? Nope, won’t work. Maybe a one shot? Not a campaign.
SLAM! Sorry. We’re closed.
Just say yes. We game for fun’s sake. No is rarely fun. Anytime you’ve ever had a good time is because someone said Yes. You gotta let your hair down, Dan. Kick it in the ass and have a blast.
Chad stated in episode 144 that Dan’s not imaginative enough. I’ve gamed with Dan. I know he’s got a wicked sharp imagination, but he limits himself rather harshly on the podcast. Again, the no is a little too ready. What about yes, Dan? What about yes?
I recommend taking a listen to the guys over at 2D6 Feet in a Random Direction when they talk about “Consider Yes.”
The concept of Consider Yes, as put forth by 2d6 Feet’s co-host Brian Isikoff, is a bias towards yes. As a GM biased towards yes, he is thinking of yes – why might your suggestion work? Considering Yes requires GM flexibility, but flowing with yes allows for surprises and more player empowerment.
“Consider Yes doesn’t mean just doing everything the players want to do,” Isikoff says. “There’s a whole range. There’s yes. There’s yes and. And there’s yes but.”
I try to apply Consider Yes not just to scenes and player actions, but to entire campaign settings. When you’re running a sandbox game, you have to Consider Yes! Lately, my biggest regrets when I run a game is when I realized that by saying no, I cock-blocked the fun.
Consider Yes, Dan. Why? Becauese Yes facillitates the fun.
The FtB hosts are scheduled to record Episode 145, Dan’s intervention, this evening and it is due to drop to the internets Wednesday.