I’ve had some concerns over the last week or so relating to my second favorite holiday, Free RPG Day. My concern has been the site’s been down for at least a week and as the worldwide event is scheduled for June 20th, just five weeks away. Fortunately, news came yesterday via Ogre Cave that the things are still on!
According to OC’s Allan Sugarbaker, the website is down due to an disastrous stew of transitioning to a new server and some slow service with the ISP. Let’s consult the fumble table… in the Arduin Grimoire.
Free RPG Day, like Free Comic Book Day, is a day in which folks can obtain free game books specially designed for the event. In years past, quick start rules for Changeling: The Lost, Traveller, and a Song of Ice and Fire have been provided, modules and other fun stuff, too! It’s a great opportunity to try out new games and for those unfamiliar with the hobby to try it out.
A great opportunity that a lot of retailers – in these parts, anyway – fail to seize.
I’ve talked to a couple of gaming stores in the North Texas area that have participated in years past. They tell me they are not participating this year for reasons of cost. Of course, these parts are not the gaming Mecca that other places such as St Louis are.
I’m eager for the site to come back up so I can see who’s in.