Thanks to DCU’s Source Blog, we now have an idea of who’s going to be working on Batman once Mark Bagley ends his guest stint on the series.
Starting in October, after the conclusion of his “Long Shadow” arc, Judd Winick and Mark Bagley will pass the BATMAN baton to writer/artist Tony Daniel, who’ll be pulling double-duty on the title for six issues. You may recall Daniel did a pretty bang-up job on a little thing called BATTLE FOR THE COWL, which set the stage for all the Batman excitement going on now. Because we’re all about consistency here at The Source, we got Tony chatting about his plans for a certain Caped Crusader:
“It’s a very exciting time right now. I’ve done my research, I’ve chosen my players, and I’ve outlined six months worth of story and I’m in the scripting phase of my first issue. We’ll be seeing the return of some once-familiar faces, faces, I can say, who are not so friendly to Gotham. I’ll be introducing a new character to the city of Gotham. There are also a few surprises in store that I hope will get people excited. “
Looks like we’ll finally see some of the storylines hinted at in that Battle for the Cowl preview image from way back when. I’m excited about this announcement. I like Tony Daniel, and Battle for the Cowl may have been a bit rushed, but ultimately, it kicked @$$.
Check out more preview art from Daniel’s run at The Source Blog!