Because nothin’ says horror like naked women, those awesome dudes at Nerdcore (I spoke a little bit about them on Valentine’s Day) have decided that we don’t have enough nudity in our horror movies anymore, and given us what we all want – a naked woman/horror-themed calendar! From the Nerdcore official site:
No genre has been more synonomous with nerds and nudity than the horror, which is why Nerdcore got a little bit bloody for 2010. From the classics to the controversial, this 4th Annual calendar features pinups of all varieties: cover model Jana Jordan getting paranormal with a TV set, sultry scream queen Justine Joli in the most vintage of psychotic shower scenes, Bobbi Starr sewn together (literally) in a more naked version of Frankenstein, as well as Aria Giovanni, Kayla Jane Danger, Karlie Montana, Mosh, and Zoli Suicide getting their scream on.
Sexy, not scary. Nerdcore 2010.
The calendar is printed on high quality paper (suitable for keeping it for years to come), and measures 12 inches wide x 18 inches tall. And the best part about it? NERD DATES – “Regular and nerdy holidays, including over one hundred important holy days for geeks, including: Major movie releases; conventions like San Diego Comic-Con, Alternative Press Expo, etc. ; anniversaries for major franchises and cult classics; birthdays for of genre favorite creators, actors, writers, and directors; and key fictional happenings, from obscure to awesome.”
So what are you waiting for? Pick one up today!