Marvel just keeps pumping out Heroic Age announcements, more than likely to reveal all the biggest news before solicitations do. It’s a shame that more of this stuff isn’t being kept secret (well, except the Secret Avengers), but there’s definitely a ton of stuff coming up that we’re going to be spending our hard-earned cash come April and May!
Check out all of the goodies after the jump!
The Secret Avengers: Another day, another reveal of one of the Secret Avengers, the new book from Ed Brubaker and Mike Deodato. Who’s this one? Well, she’s definitely female, and wears a cape. Probably not Moonstone, since she’s in Thunderbolts. Could this be Ms. Marvel in a new costume? Songbird? Emma Frost?

Age of Heroes: An AGE OF HEROES limited series will be written by Kurt Busiek, Paul Cornell, Rick Remender and Dan Slott, and will be an anthology series focusing on how characters integrate into the post-Siege world. No word on how this affects the universe as a whole, or if it’s just a bunch of fun small tales set in the Heroic Age.

Atlas: Most importantly (and discussed in our upcoming interview with writer Jeff Parker) and most exciting for this writer is Atlas, the new ongoing series focusing on the Agents of Atlas team, written by Jeff Parker featuring art by the always awesome Gabe Hardman. Can’t wait!