Yeah, apparently! According to this article at Latino Review, the old Valiant Comic Bloodshot (which we recently spoke about on Funnybooks) is up for the Hollywood treatment, courtesy of Layer Cake, Stardust, and Kick-Ass director Matthew Vaughn. Don’t remember Bloodshot? I don’t blame you – but you should seek it out. It’s actually really good, but just in case you’re a lazy ass:
There are two volumes of the comic with slightly different stories. The movie will focus on Volume 2. Bloodshot is about a reanimated government assassin killing machine named Angelo. Vaughn is writing along with Jane Goldman who wrote Stardust and Kick-Ass for him. Vaughn is fully financing and intends to cast the film late summer. William Morris/Endeavor did the deal. And Millar has nothing to do with it. As El Taco entiende, Vaughan doesn’t like Millar’s pathological lies either.
Can’t lie – I’m really excited about this possibility. Can X-O Manowar be far behind?