Ya know, it’s not enough that Marvel was the clear winner with C2E2 announcements, but with the release of their solicits, we’re getting some of the newly announced projects off the ground, and some exciting books. Read the full solicits here, but the big items I wanted to point out are below:
The first two parts of Joe Quesada and Paolo Rivera’s One Moment In Time storyline, that goes back to the original wedding of Mary Jane and Spider-Man, and explains why they didn’t get married in this post-One More Day universe. It’s interesting, but it sounds like we’ll finally get the answers as to what Mary Jane whispered to Mephisto in OMD. I may actually pick this up out of curiosity…damn me.
“Guest starring the Next Avengers, the Future Imperfect Hulk and the Amazing Spider-Girl!” Wait…what? The Future Imperfect Hulk? Sounds like Bendis is going to do all kinds of crazy stuff in this first story arc, which features Kang as its villain.
Pisses me off that this is bi-monthly, given how long they’ve been talking about it, but I’ll take what I can get. Wiccan sets out to find Scarlett Witch, with the help of both the Avengers and the Young Avengers.
Written by Victor Gischler (look for him next month of Funnybooks), this one-shot appears to be the end of the classic Marvel character, and the set up of a whole new Vampire regime in the Marvel U, possibly affecting that new X-Men title, also written by Gischler?
GORILLA MAN #1 (of 3)
Like you really need a reason to buy a title starring Gorilla Man, written by Atlas writer (and friend of Funnybooks) Jeff Parker.
I think Gregg Hurwitz must listen to our show. How else could you explain the following description, which seems to directly answer Jonathan’s concerns about team books/solo titles? “Moon Knight embarks on his first adventure with Steve Rogers’ new Super-team: The Secret Avengers! Captain Barracuda and his crew of pirates that have hijacked a tanker transporting two million barrels of crude that’s worth north of two-hundred mil on the open market and executed 9 hostages just to show they’re not playing around. But neither are Steve Rogers, War Machine, Valkyrie, Ant-Man and their newest recruit, Moon Knight. They’re ready to rumble…and if that means taking on Barracuda’s reinforcements – a legion of creatures from the bowels of the deep blue sea – so be it.”
HIT-MONKEY #1 (of 3)
The return of Hit-Monkey by the team who did his original one-shot, Daniel Way and Dalibor Talijic. I hope this one is played a little more for laughs than the original one-shot, which was played a little straighter than I would have liked.

Ed Brubaker. Dale Eaglesham. Do you need another reason?
X-MEN #1
Victor Gischler will be on Funnybooks in a couple of weeks to discuss this new title that he’s working on with artist Paco Medina, starting with an arc called “Mutants vs. Vampires.” This is the first new X-Men #1 since Jim Lee and Chris Claremont’s historic issue – will this live up the legacy of that title?
The end of the Second Coming storyline that continues to impress your Funnybooks hosts. Who will live and who will die? They haven’t announced who the interior artist on this issue is, but I’m guessing it’s not David Finch, who did the first issue.
X-MEN FOREVER 2 #3 & 4
Interesting description on this one: “Still reeling from the explosive events of Issue #1, the world is now contemplating what life without the X-Men will be like. Some mourn, others rejoice, and still others continue to search for answers. But answers can come from the unlikeliest places… including one of New York City’s biggest super heroes.”
Same with this one – does the Forever universe just kill people off? “With the Celestials’ hour of judgment upon them, it’s up to Xavier’s original mutants to make the greatest sacrifice of all.”