Hey everyone this is Wayne reporting in from his first ever Gencon. Words cannot describe the scope of this event. It seems that the entire city has dedicated itself to this one event. Every motel seems to have open gaming or an event of some sort going. The exhibitor hall is so crowded that you can barely walk. Speaking of walking there is a lot of that going on. The convention covers such a large area that just walking from one side to another can leave your feet sore. I had most definitely underestimated the scope of this event. It is hard not to if you have never attended something of it’s magnitude before.
A few hours ago I experienced True Dungeon for the first time. It was a wonderful blend of cheesy and fun. Combat is accomplished by placing tokens into sliding disks and trying to get the disks to stop on hit points of your opponent. There are some animatronics and people in costume awaiting you inside. Each character class has a special ability that they can use throughout the dungeon. Overall even though I felt the last room was rushed the event was a lot of fun.
Over the course of the convention Aron is going to be my editor and keys on the internet. You will have audio and hopefully a few more written articles coming out every day as I find time while resting my feet.