In our Funnybooks podcast, we focus on current events, and usually large events. Most times, the conversations are constrained so that we can fit everything into an hour or so, but here at Funnybooks After Hours (now in its second season after a short hiatus),the discussion continues to topics not covered, greater questions of events in comic past or whatever else strikes our fancy.
This Week’s Question:
Time for some more Haterade! What one series that is over 100 issues needs to get the axe? Why do you feel that way, and what would be a cool way to end it?
Paul steps up, “This is tricky, because a lot of the titles I think should be canceled aren’t at 100 issues yet – books like Superman/Batman, Batman Confidential, Adventure Comics (since the Superboy run ended under Geoff Johns, what’s the point?) are all running in place and could benefit from a reset button or total cancellation, but we’re looking at books over 100 issues. What’s scary is how few books are out right now from the big two that fall into the category of having more than 100 issues or less than 500. Everything is either less than 100 or greater than 500 – seriously, look it up.
“That being said, my vote is either for X-Men Legacy or Spawn. X-Men Legacy isn’t a bad book, really (though I really disliked the first post-Second Coming issue), but it feels like there’s just too many X-books out there with overlapping teams. None of the teams are clearly defined in any of the books, so in reality what’s the point of having a ton of different books? Why not just pull an Amazing Spider-Man and come out bi-weekly? At least we know we won’t have conflicting continuities that way. As for Spawn, every time I read about that book, they’re announcing a new creative team or direction or artist, and that new thing only lasts for a couple of issues. I know Spawn has a dedicated fan base, but I’d imagine it’s even hard for them to accept all the changes the book keeps going through to find an identity.”
Wayne, glittering like the sun, takes a sip from his drink, “I thought about this for a while and quite a few books came across my hit list. Finally though I settled on Daredevil. The character is not one of the more well liked in the Marvel catalog and it seems like the character’s title is schizophrenic. It can’t keep a feel for more than one major story arc without drastic changes coming in. Right now because of Shadowland the character has far more attention than it has in years. In fact this seems to be the first time anyone has talked about Daredevil since Kevin Smith was writing him. Well at least trying to write him sometimes when he had a moment.
“What this all means is that with Shadowland Daredevil seems to be at the height of his popularity right now with more people watching him than he is typically used to. This is the chance to send him out with the bang that a longstanding character like this deserves. Make him evil or kill him, but either way make it count and cancel this title that is over 500 issues long. For once Marvel have your crossover actually mean something. If you want to bring Daredevil back in a few years that will be fine and you will have a chance to set a clean direction with him so the title doesn’t feel so disjointed.”
Aron stops gazing at Angelus #5 long enough to answer, “Wow. Hard question given that DC’s only books over 100 belong to their big three characters: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. While I think all of those books have problems, the answer isn’t canceling them. It’s having the balls to advance the characters beyond their current stagnation. But that’s a whole ‘nother thing.
“The book over 100 issues I’d cancel? Captain America. Ed Brubaker did some awesome stuff with Cap. Truly, everything leading up to the character’s death at the end of Civil War was amazing. It jumped the shark at the return of Steve Rogers, tho. Bucky’s a great character as the Winter Soldier, but I have a hard time accepting him as Captain America. With Steve Rogers alive and kicking? Why accept second best when the best is present? I don’t get it.
“When Superman died back in the 90’s and then returned, there was never a question who’d be Superman. It wasn’t gonna be Steel or Superboy or the Eradicator (all characters I love). It was going to be Kal-El of Krypton, the Real Steel Deal. Why? Because that’s who he is. Same deal with Steve Rogers. He’s been Cap all his adult life. It’s who he is.
“How would I end it? Kill off Bucky. Hard. In his dying breath, he hands the shield back to Rogers. “Be Cap for me, Steve. Be Cap for me… argh.””
Tim grumbles a bit before starting, “The 100 issue part of the question does limit what I can chose from, especially with renumbering gimmicks that have been used. I think I’ll say my answer is The Punisher. I’m unsure of what number it’s at, but without renumbering, it would be over that. Don’t misunderstand, I have nothing against what he’s done, but fact is Frank’s just a guy with guns when it comes down to it. The character is a tragic and flawed hero and to be fair to that concept, he needs to have that ending. I would love to see a story that shows the Punisher finally end one of his long time villains, and by doing so triggers some dead man switch situation where Frank’s actions put hundreds of lives at risk. The comic would turn into a ’24-esque’ book for the last few issues as Frank tries to save the innocents, and in doing so loses his own life.
“If Marvel wanted to create a new Punisher (and leave Frank dead) that is an avenue for a new story and w/ the War Journal, could still have ties to the past.”
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