Want to jump back into the Bat-universe, but not sure if it’s worth the dip into the Grant Morrison crazy pond? Well, here’s a chance to give the books a shot! One lucky winner will receive copies of the first issues of the new Batman relaunch!
- Batman: The Return One-Shot
- Batman Inc. #1
- Batman #704
- Batwoman #0
- Detective Comics #871
Note that Batman and Robin #17 is not included due to the delay of the Pete Tomasi/Patrick Gleason run until February. Batman: The Dark Knight #1 (written and drawn by David Finch) appears to be delayed as well, sadly.
But you still get two Dick Grayson books, two Bruce Wayne books, and Batwoman! Here’s how you enter!
The Deets:
- Listen to this week’s episode of Funnybooks.
- On the show notes for that episode, tell us who your ideal Batman creative team would be.
- One entry per person, please.
- One winner will be chosen at random.
- Items will only be shipped within the United States.
- Contest ends Friday, November 26, 2010 at 11:59 pm Central time.
- Winner will be announced on next week’s episode of Funnybooks.