Geoff Johns’ run on Action Comics redefined the character in a way that Superman hadn’t been treated in YEARS. Teaming with Richard Donner on writing, readers were treated to action-packed adventures, with touches of nostalgia for the classic Donner movies, and revamped origins of many main characters, and the death of Pa Kent! Truly a spectacular run on the title … and now it can be yours!
This prize includes:
- Action Comics #844-846, 851, and Annual #11, the entirety of “Last Son“
- Action Comics #855-857, the entirety of “Escape from Bizarro World“
- Action Comics #858-863, the entirety of “Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes”
- Action Comics #866-870, the entirety of “Brainiac“
All with writing by Geoff Johns, including art by Gary Frank, Adam Kubert, and Eric Powell! How do you enter? Just tell us in the talkback what your favorite Superman story of all time is! Good luck!