As in the previous two years, your buds at IoM will be attending this year’s Halloween Horror Nights even in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios Orlando. Now, this year’s event has been shrouded in secrecy, the only hints revealed so far pointing to a casino/gambling theme. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been getting small playing cards with sayings on them related to “luck” and “death.” Great stuff.
Well…this week news is finally starting to leak out. On Screamscape, it was revealed that an Orlando Burger King accidentally put up a promotional poster for HHN early, revealing the event’s icon, Lady Luck (at right). In addition, the TV commercial seems to have leaked online as well (below).
What’s most surprising, though, is that it seems that the themes for all of the haunts have been leaked too. That’s pretty rare, but I guess when set pics for all of next year’s blockbusters can leak with all the security on movie sets, something like this isn’t too hard to get out. Also from the link above, here are the themes for the eight houses (scarezone themes haven’t leaked yet):
- The Thing, based on the upcoming movie
- Madness of Poe
- an old spooky cemetery
- a crazy WWI era hospital
- Holiday horror gone wrong
- one based on the Saws & Steam scare zone from last year
- something themed to Runes
- one themed to a haunted Spanish ghost ship
Check out the commercial for this year’s event after the jump!