Our apologies for the delay in this week’s episode. According to our podcast editing staff, they are “notoriously over-worked, over-committed and vastly under-appreciated by management.” Enough finally became enough, apparently, and the entire editing staff WALKED OUT.
That’s right.
Bonded, licensed, card carrying union-member, master-podcast-editors stomped off the job in a huff leaving episode 115 of Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie unedited. Obviously, management employed a few non-union scabs – and, yes, there is a noticeable decline in quality. For this, we apologize.
You know who really loses here? The kids.
- DC wins market share for September
- Marvel competes by giving Avenging Spider-Man away for FREE!
- Aron read Secret Avengers
- Swamp Thing #2
- Action Comics #2 (Superman: Earth One)
- Animal Man #2
- Huntress #1
- Detective Comics #2
- Thunderbolts #164
- Ultra-Duck Free Preview
This coming weekend, our third episode of Star Trek: Aegean hit the webz!
Don’t miss issue 10 of Knights of Reignsborough… coming next week!
Give us a call at 972-763-5903 and leave us your feedback. If we use your voicemail, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize.
And oh yes, there’s this.