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Welcome to the second half of this week’s discussion. In this episode, we discuss not just the final week of DC’s New 52, but ride round up on the books that made up the history-making month of September. And we also talk about the comics we hid from our parents because of the nudey parts.
- Superman #1
- Aquaman #1
- Batman: The Dark Knight #1
- Green Lantern: New Guardians #1
- Teen Titans #1
- Voodoo #1
- The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men
- I, Vampire
- Lightning Round:
- All-Star Western
- Blackhawks
- The Flash
- Justice League Dark
- The Savage Hawkman
- Evaluating the New 52
Check out Wayne’s favorite “secret comic,” Sinnamon.
Sunday, our second episode of Star Trek: Aegean hit the webz!
Don’t miss issue 9 of Knights of Reignsborough… coming this weekend!
Give us a call at 972-763-5903 and leave us your feedback. If we use your voicemail, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize.