IoM Actual Play: Rogues of Reignsborough - Escape from Dauger Island

Dauger Island, NJ is a maximum security prison that mystically de-powers supervillains once they set foot on it…

…Every day has been hell for you since Partisan defeated you and shipped you out here. A small part of you dies every time some two bit street thug beats you up for your pudding. Your thoughts drift to ending it all, which a lot of super criminals end up doing. But when all seems lost, a light at the end of the tunnel appears. A chance to get off this nightmare rock…

Escape from Dauger Island is an actual play recorded at Fear The Con 5 using the Savage Worlds System in the Reignsborough setting.

Ghosts of Reignsborough, the second of our FtC5 Reignsborough actual plays, will release on July 20.