IoM Actual Play: ...And a Little Child Shall Eat Them (FtC5)

It’s been five years since children the world over turned on their parents, devouring their nurturers.

They are predators our children. Cunning. Deadly.

It’s been five years since the dead started walking.

AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL EAT THEM is an actual play recording made at Fear the Con 5. This is the FIFTH installment of the game in the original setting played annually at Fear the Con using the All Flesh Must Be Eaten system.

Your game master is Aron from FUNNYBOOKS WITH ARON AND PAULIE.

Around the table this time are Tim and Andrew from Ideology of Madness’ Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie. John from Thistledown AP dot com as well as wade, Chris, Hannah and Tresi from the Internet are present for this chapter in a world gone mad for the sweet, warm screaming flesh of man..

Year 4 of And a Little Child Shall Eat Them can be heard here.