We hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving holiday. We sure did. In fact, we were all still so hopped up on tryptophans, we were unable to record this week. Not ones to leave you hanging, we’re giving you a few new things… such as another excellent Mikey Mason tune – ScoobyThulu – which you can purchase at his website…
We know you guys have been wondering whatever happened to STAR TREK: AEGEAN, our Star Trek RPG Actual Play SHOW. That’s still going to happen, but in 2013. To give you a taste of how awesome that will be, we’ve included the original Aegean theme written and performed by Mark Andrew Pope with voice over by Gary Layton… It’s pretty cool.
But you’re sitting there saying, yeah, Aegean’s great and all but what about Knights of Reignsborough…? You can exp[ect a Reignsborough holiday special to come your way in December?
… and if all that ain’t enough, we’ve included some seasonally appropriate BEST OF sound bytes from previous episodes.
We hope you enjoy this 170th episode and very first clip show of Funnybooks. We’ll be back next week with all fresh content.