Today we conclude our IoM Artist Showcase chat with NAILBITER artist Mike Henderson!
IoM: Tell me a little bit about your process working on Nailbiter – we’ve read the first two issues and are digging the hell out it.
MH: Usually Josh and I will go over a general outline of the story arc, then I get to designing while he puts together a script. Once I have that I make a pass at layouts and rearrange sections I think could read more smoothly and we pow-wow over that stage. After that I disappear for a while until the pages are done.
IoM: What’s on your drawing board right now?
MH: Right this second the penciled covers of Nailbiter #5 and #6 are on display. But only to anyone in the room.
IoM: What’s coming next for you?
MH: In the short term, the second arc of Nailbiter begins next week. In the long term, your guess is as good as mine!
For more information about Mike Henderson, check out his official site, his comics on Comixology, and pick up NAILBITER #1 from Image Comics now!