Funnybooks is back this week and is off the rails! Listen as your Funnybooks hosts start a bunch of topics and keep going off subject many, many times. We talke about another visit to Aron’s doctor, three-ways with beautiful women, toy shows, Guardians of the Galaxy, the new Alien: Isolation video game, TV casting news, Batgirl’s new costume, and this week’s new comics, including:
- Grayson #1
- Infinity Man and the Forever People #2
- New Avengers #20
- Superman/Wonder Woman #10
- Spider-Man 2099 #1
- 100th Anniversary Special: Spider-Man #1
- All-New X-Men #29
Don’t forget! Funnybooks is sponsoring the Orc Stomp 5k taking place this year at GenCon! Sign up and get your run on! All profit will be going to the Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, so support this great cause!
Also, check out the Knights of Reignsborough Season 2 Feedback Show, and the first of our Actual Plays from this year’s Fear The Con, THIS EMPIRE EARTH. This space ranger story is a blast!
And this Friday…year Two of our Atomic Robo RPG!