E3 2015 announcements and press conferences have already begun in full force, and we’ve got a couple that are definitely highlights!
Rare Replay Collection: An Xbox One-exclusive collection of 30 titles (to celebrate 30 years of Rare), including the original Battletoads, Banjo Kazooie, and Perfect Dark? And supposedly at only $30? Not sure if we’re looking at remastered versions of the titles, but regardless, this is a great deal. (link)
Xbox Backwards Compatibility: Microsoft has announced backwards compatibility with over 100 Xbox 360 games by this holiday season. The discs themselves won’t actually become backwards compatible, but inserting them into your system will download backwards compatible versions. Exciting, but limited, and I don’t see it becoming accessible to as many titles as I’m sure we’d like. (link)
Star Wars Battlefront Gameplay Footage: Not the same footage as shows at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, which was equally impressive. This footage shows off multiplayer gameplay from the most anticipated Star Wars game in years.
Other EA Announcements: A new Mass Effect in 2016, and Need for Speed coming in November, led off what was a very exciting series of announcements from EA. (link)
New Star Wars games: A new card game, Galaxy of Heroes, coming to mobile platforms (meh). (link) More excitedly, a new Old Republic game, Knights of the Fallen Empire (link). I’ve never played KotR, but I know people love it. If this comes to Xbox One or Ps4, maybe I’ll check it out.
Doom: Footage shown from the new Doom game … looks impressive, as expected.
Dishonored 2: A sequel to the critically-acclaimed steampunk adventure announced by Bethesda.
For Honor: Ubisoft announced this new IP, featuring multiplayer melee combat. Knights vs. Vikings vs. Samurai, this could end up being a ton of fun. (link)
Microsoft’s Announcements: Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Gears 4 bring some huge firepower to Xbox One. Let’s see what Sony has up its sleeves other than Uncharted. (link)
Ps4 Announcements: Final Fantasy 7 is getting and HD remake (link), Hitman looks to be getting the reboot treatment (link), Horizon: Zero Dawn looks amazing (link), and The Last Guardian is finally coming! (Link)
Uncharted 4: Quite possibly my most anticipated game in the next two years. (Link)
Disney Infinity 3.0: Limited edition starter packs coming to Ps4. Yes! (Link)