RSS Feed
- Paul is an alcoholic
- Wayne got his Lotcrate
- Dracula Dossier (our interview with Dracula Dossier co-author Kenneth Hite) and Aron’s Dracula Obsession
- RIP: Yvonne Craig
- Mockingbird TV Series
- Marvel: The Untold Story
- Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4
- Secret Wars: Secret Love #1
- George Miller’s directing Man of Steel 2
- Justice League #43
- Superman/Wonder Woman #20
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens Toy Catalog
- Star Wars #8
We love your feedback. Leave us a voice mail on the Ideology of Madness hotline at 972-763-5903. If we use your message on the show, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize!
Next week: The first of our Actual Play recordings from manCon 2015… STAR WARS: EDGE OF THE EMPIRE.