Captain America #600, on stands today

Shocking absolutely no one, Marvel revealed today to the NY Daily News that Steve Rogers, Captain America, is coming back from the dead.

“The original Captain America is finally coming back,” Marvel Comics editor in chief Joe Quesada told the Daily News. “We’ve been patiently planning for this moment for 21/2 years.”

Captain America will return next month in a five-comic book series, “Captain America Reborn.”

I’m actually kind of dissapointed.  They spent so long building up Bucky/Cap that it seems rather unfair that, just as fans (and he) were starting to accept him in the role, Rogers comes back (that’s what that Reborn series was all about).  Also in for the heck of it is the new female Bucky, from Jeph Loeb’s Onslaught Reborn series.

Strange how it seems like all this oddly mirror’s DC’s current Batman plans (I’m sure we’ll bet a Batman: Rebirth in 2010/2011).  Has it really been two years since Steve Rogers died?  What’s Bucky going to do now?  It would be a shame if they made him bad again?  Well, I hear there’s an open position for a new Nightwing…just sayin’.

By the by…Captain America #600, the issue that brings Rogers back from the dead, should be on stands TODAY.