Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie
Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie
Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: InterChew with John Layman

This interview will be at the top until Friday!  Scroll down for the latest news!

Okay, so New Comic Book Day is actually Thursday this week and not Wednesday.  Just because Diamond and the publishers took off for the weekend doesn’t mean we did!  That’s right.  Paul and I?  We got work ethic…

In this week’s New Comic Book Day Interview, we visit with John Layman.  Layman’s credits include work for both Marvel and Wildstorm.  He is currently writing hit cannibal cop comic Chew for Image and penning much of the script for Champions Online.  We woke him up early Saturday morning for a chat about Chew, Champions, comic book lettering, and Hollywood.

We even talked a bit about table-top role playing.
