Cardboard Crack: Mirrodin Besieged Set Review, Part 3 – Red, Green & Multi-Colored

The boys at CC spend a really, really long time going over every card in Mirrodin Besieged. They talk Constructed and Limited playability and share stories from the Pre-Release. Enjoy listening and feel free to share your own thoughts on these cards in the comments or . The release of Mirrodin Besieged is this […]

The Player's Club: Multiplayer Politics

In my EDH column last week, one of the subjects I didn’t get into was the politics of playing multiplayer Magic. This is partly because it’s something that’s applicable to other non-EDH formats, but also because it’s a topic worthy of discussion on it’s own. While I’m writing this from a Magic-based perspective, I think […]

Welcome to The Player's Club!

Hello everyone, and welcome to The Player’s Club! My name is C. L. and I’m ridiculously excited to be here at Ideology of Madness writing about one of my greatest passions in life, gaming! When Paul asked me to start writing a gaming column for the site, I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve been a […]

Relapse: Magic 2011 Core Set

So, you’re pumped and ready for the Magic 2011 Core set release this weekend, but perhaps you’re coming back into the game or, like Danielle, have never drafted before. Worry not, my fellow spellslingers, today’s Relapse is here for you. Today, I’ll break down a synopsis of each color’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as, […]