Adventure Comics #3 Preview w/ Red Robin!

Adventure Comics quickly jumps to the top of my read pile whenever it comes out.  Sadly, I am a little worried about the title and hearing that, one Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul go to the The Flash, so too does Connor Kent leave the title and (I think) it becomes, primarily, a Legion of […]

Macaps: Red Robin #1 and Batman #687!

This week saw the release of the next two titles in DC’s relaunch of the Batman titles, Red Robin and Batman, with new and exciting creative teams and directions and, most importantly, a new man under the cowl.  How did they measure up with last week’s Batman and Robin #1, from Grant Morrison and Frank […]

Battle for the Cowl: Red Robin #2

You know, looking at some of the preview art from Red Robin #2, I’m beginning to wonder if Red Robin is, in fact, Tim Drake.  See, Tim Drake is supposed to be, what?  Fifteen?  Seventeen?  The character of Red Robin appears to be much older than that.  Of course, that could just be the art, […]