Ragey Red Paul: Supporting Geek Culture

Last night, I attended a midnight release party for the final volume of the Scott Pilgrim series, Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour at Local Heroes Comics in Norfolk, Virginia.  When I told people that I’d be attending (non-geek people), I got a bunch of odd stares and blinking.  They just couldn’t understand. “So it’s a midnight […]

Midnight. July 19th. Scott Pilgrim. CUPCAKES!

Hell to the yes!  Local Heroes Comics in Norfolk, Virginia is holding a midnight release party for the sixth (and final) volume in the Scott Pilgrim series, Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour! 15% of all trades and graphic novels, which means I’ll spend too much money. But, really, the most important part? SCOTT PILGRIM CUPCAKES! OMG […]