BIG TIME: Venom vs. Carnage

Remember how I said, in my review for New Ways to Die, that Anti-Venom was the first new symbiote to be introduced to the Spidey universe in a while?  Yeah, I had forgotten about Toxin, the offspring of Carnage introduced in the Venom vs. Carnage universe.  I remember Toxin being a big deal when he […]

BIG TIME: Amazing Spider-Man: New Ways to Die

New Ways to Die was the first huge event of the Brand New Day saga, back in 2008.  The six-issue Spider-Man story arc written by Dan Slott with art by John Romita, Jr. first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #568-#573.  Not only did it feature the first big altercation between then-head of HAMMER Norman Osborn, […]

BIG TIME: Amazing Spider-Man: Grim Hunt!

As Brand New Day reaches its end, it’s hard to imagine that it’s been over 100 issues since the storyline began (due to the thrice-monthly schedule).  There have been so many storylines in those 100 issues that it would be no small feat to find a way to catch up on them all. Still, one […]

BIG TIME: The best costumes of Spider-Man!

Hey, guess what? Spider-Man’s Brand New Day is almost over. Yeah…I’m going to let that sink in a little bit.  The reason so many fans dropped the adventures of their favorite wall crawler which, admittedly, has had some good tales (like the recent Grim Hunt) but more often than not left us wanting…is about to […]