The Nintendo Wii is going to get in trouble for promoting itself as a family friendly system, then releasing an M-Rated game? And the game is released by once competitors Sega? Where have I heard that before? Hmmm….
So, our favorite gestapo, the National Institute on Media and the Family, is firing back on Nintendo for releasing the Sega-distributed Mad World, an ultra-violent Sin City looking game set in the future. According to them, “The release of MadWorld for the Wii brings violent video games to a once family-friendly platform. MadWorld is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.”
You think? Parents should be careful of what games they purchase their kids? Shocker!
Let’s not forget, the Wii has seen multiple M-Rated games, including Resident Evil 4 and Manhunt 2. Still, apparently being a system with family friendly games means that you must only release family friendly games. Check out the full article on Yahoo, and watch the trailer for Mad World below. NSFW if your boss has something against cartoon violence.