And I don’t mean “shiny” like Firefly “shiny” slang. I mean shiny as in…shiny. The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, the object that inspired that fourth Indiana Jones film that no one wished existed, will be available for viewing THIS Saturday, April 4th, (7 till 9:30 pm) at the Community Church, 40 E. 35th St. between Madison & Park in New York City.
According to the ARE/NYC official site,
Its origins are mysterious. The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull is said to be an ancient Mayan ceremonial object – an Atlantean creation containing mysterious information – a 19th Century fabrication – an extraterrestrial artifact. Some called it the Skull of Doom.
Bill Homann, who inherited the skull from Mitchell-Hedges’ daughter, calls it the Skull of Love. Specialized cameras have captured emanations of a powerful energy from the skull.
F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, the man responsible for the skull becoming known, was a real-life Indiana Jones. And while last year’s hit movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, was fun fiction, many plot elements were drawn from the story of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull.
Join Bill Homann for a Powerpoint presentation on its history and the fascinating legends that surround it. All participants will have an opportunity to pass by the skull and feel its aura.
Want to see the mysterious object in person? Buy tickets NOW at the official site! Any friends of IoM in NYC? Sure would be great to get a recap of the events!