The Pault KeeperTrying to figure out how to spend your hard-earned cash this week? You know you wait with baited breath for your Tuesday Best Buy visit and your Wednesday comic shop visit! Well, here’s a list of the good stuff coming out this week – don’t waste your money on anything else!

Well…stop playing Killzone 2 for five minutes, because there’s plenty of good stuff coming out this week!

Have a seat and let The Pault Keeper help you figure out…

The Crap You Should Buy

Watchmen Goodies

I probably don’t need to tell you to buy a ticket to see Watchmen this week (preferably in IMAX), but there are plenty of Watchmen-related goodies coming to your local DVD/Music store this week also!

Watchmen: The Complete Motion ComicsWatchmen: The Complete Motion Comic (Blu-Ray and DVD)
Pretty much exactly how it sounds.  This fantastic series premiered online last summer, and is the full telling of the original Watchmen graphic novel, given a full voice cast, music, animation, and featuring the amazing original art!  If you get pissed off because the movie changed a whole bunch of stuff from the book, this one’s for you!  And it comes with a free ticket to see Watchmen in theaters!  Purchase from our Amazon link below!

Watchmen Score and SoundtrackWatchmen Score & Soundtrack (CD)
Early word is that the score to the movie, by Tyler Bates, is excellent.  And the soundtrack contains a new song from My Chemical Romance, and some great classic tracks!  Purchase from our Amazon link below!


Wonder Woman Blu-RayWonder Woman Blu-Ray
A pretty darn great animated movie starring DC’s classic superhero!  Check out my review for more info, and purchase using the Amazon link below!


Comics for 3/4/2009!

  • GOTHAM GAZETTE BATMAN DEAD #1 (DC Comics): The beginning of Battle for the Cowl!  Check out our Battle for the Cowl coverage!
  • SUPERMAN WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON #1 (DC Comics): Superman has left Earth for a planet where he’s just one of 10,000 Kryptonians!  This is where Superman will be for the next year!  Unfortunately, Zod is there too!
  • SUPERMAN: BRANIAC HARDCOVER (DC Comics): Collecting one of the best Superman stories ever, we get to meet the REAL Braniac, and Superman loses an important family member!
  • SOLOMON GRUNDY #1 (DC Comics): If you didn’t read Scott Kollins’ excellent Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy one-shot, then you missed out on a great look at DC’s creepy villain.  Grundy is on the search to find the cure to his condition – can he really become human again?
  • STRANGE ADVENTURES #1 (DC Comics): Adam Strange, Captain Comet, and Bizarro.  In space.  By Jim Starlin.  Do you need to know anything else?
  • IMPALER #2 (Top Cow Comics): Vampires took over New York, which has now been nuked!  Vlad the Impaler is an immortal vampire hunter trying to save the world in this unique Top Cow tale!
  • WITCHBLADE ANNUAL 2009 (Top Cow Comics): More Top Cow goodness!  An original tale featuring art by the excellent Eric Basaldua.
  • ULTIMATE WOLVERINE VS HULK #3 (Marvel Comics):  Yes, really!  There’s finally finishing up this series that began…when, like 1979?  Kidding.  It was only 2005.
  • ASPEN SEASONS WINTER 2009 (Aspen Comics): The first look at the new Soulfire creative team, featuring art by Joe Benitez!
  • FLASH GORDON #4 (Ardden Entertainment): YES!!!!!!  Finally!  We’ll be speaking to the good folks at Ardden Entertainment soon, so keep an eye out for that.  In the meantime, BUY THIS EXCELLENT COMIC BOOK!
  • GRIMM FAIRY TALES #36 (Zenescope Entertainment): Check out our interview with VP of Zenescope comics, Ralph Tedesco, later this week!  This issue is a twisted take on “The Ugly Duckling.”
  • I AM LEGION #2 (Dynamite Entertainment): Still not sure what to make of this one.  The first ish has me intrigued – supernatural stuff, nazis, John Cassaday art?  Sign me up!

Video Games

Sonic and the Black KnightSonic and the Black Knight (Nintendo Wii)
Yes, that’s Sonic the Hedgehog with a sword.  No, I’m not sure why he has one.  Probably to kick some Black Knight @$$!  This is a sequel to the Sonic and the Secret Rings Wii game that everyone loved from a couple of years ago.  Fingers crossed that this is the great Sonic game we’ve all been hoping for!