Further proving how much he is like a ninja, Jeff Smith sprung up out of nowhere with the awesome news that RASL, in addition to being one of the best comic books on stands today, is FINALLY going to be released more frequently. None of this 4-6 months between issues nonsense.
So, starting with RASL no.5, the black & white comic books will be 24 pages, and in the Fall begin a bimonthly schedule.
I still have to make room for some scheduling conflicts this summer (for a couple of projects that I’m not ready to announce yet,) but, here’s the schedule for the next few issues:
RASL no.5 July
[secret project over the summer months]
RASL no.6 October
RASL no.7 December
RASL no.8 March 2010
Even more proof of Jeff Smith’s awesomeness? How about the fact that this “bimonthly schedule” is anything but? I see only two issues that come out within two months of each other. I kid, I kid. I don’t care. RASL is the awesome, and it’s worth the wait.
Oh, and the secret project? My guess is designs for the upcoming Bone movie. Or maybe it’s just my hope.