Tonight at midnight is the deadline for our 100 FREE COMIC GIVEAWAY! Don’t you want 100 FREE COMICS? Everybody wants 100 FREE COMICS! And the best part? These comics don’t suck!!!! Want a hint of the not suckage?
- Blackest Night #0 (DC Comics)
- Atomic Robo #1 (yes, #1!) (Red 5 Comics)
- Superman and Batman vs. Werewolves and Vampires #1 (DC Comics)
- Resistance #1 (Wildstorm)
- Gears of War #1 (Wildstorm)
- Dark Reign: New Nation (Marvel)
- Impaler #1 (Image/Top Cow)
And those aren’t even the best comics! This is so good it’s ridonculous! How do you enter? Well, we’re in the 11th hour! Mention us on your blog, mention us in your podcast – get the word out on IoM anyway you know how! There are a couple of ideas here!
Remember, you must be 18 to enter!