Want Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1 for FREE?

UPDATE: Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1 is in stores TODAY!  Pick it up from Heroes and Villains Comics in Hampton, VA, or at your favorite local comics shop! I’m a big fan of the Top Cow Comics universe.  I’ve been following their books for a while now, and they seem to really know what they’re doing.  With Ron […]

Who the hell won ONE HUNDRED FREE COMICS?!?!?

Who, you might ask?  Who won the coolest prize YET from Ideology of Madness?  Well, the winner is….drum roll please…badadadadadadadadada…. ROB from Bear Swarm Podcast!  Rob gave us a shout out in Episode 56 (Fleshing out NPCs), and now, he’s got 100 free comics coming his way!  Congrats Rob!  You kick much ass! Check out […]

Our 100 FREE COMIC CONTEST ends today!

Tonight at midnight is the deadline for our 100 FREE COMIC GIVEAWAY!  Don’t you want 100 FREE COMICS?  Everybody wants 100 FREE COMICS!  And the best part?  These comics don’t suck!!!!  Want a hint of the not suckage? Blackest Night #0 (DC Comics) Atomic Robo #1 (yes, #1!) (Red 5 Comics) Superman and Batman vs. […]

Final Crisis Give-A-Way

(NOTE: To give everyone a chance to enter, this will be at the top of the site for a couple of days.  For the most current news, scroll down!  New posts added all the time!) Maybe the review didn’t scare you off, or perhaps you just want to see for yourself what the fuss is […]