Back in the old days (mid 90’s or so), I wasn’t a big fan of Deadpool. Sure, he’s a mutant with ties to Wolverine’s origin and occasionally made appearances in the X-Books, but I always considered his books to be as close to the X-Men as Ghostrider. Now, that I’m back in, and branching out from just X-Titles, I’ve gotten a chance to really see what this character is like: hilarious. I love the wacky, dark humour of these issues and even though I’m currently reading two separate Deadpool titles, I don’t feel like it’s too much.
Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #1-2
On this book specifically, I’d like to express my opinion that this book is entertaining, but sub-par in comparison to the other Deadpool title. It has ties to Marvel Zombies (all I’m going to say to not spoil it), and I don’t think that universe should be mixing with the main one. I love a crossover, but some realities should not cross into the main Marvel-U.
Overall: If the other Deadpool title just isn’t enough, pick this up.
Deadpool #13
If dark humor is what you long for in a comic, look no further o’ ye comic geek. You have found Deadpool! I know the character gets a lot of criticism for basking in his unseriousness, but I’ll bet those same people scowl at the gaming table when you make a joke “Out-of-Character”. Why so serious, guys? Sometimes, at the end of a hard day of reading about how Norman Osborn controls everything, Ironman on the run, and X-Men failing to please ever since Age of Apocalypse, it’s nice to relax with this book and laugh.
Overall: YOU need this. Yes, I’m talking to you. Don’t act like you don’t know. Put down that dramatic, gloomy book and read something a little more light-hearted for a change. It’s refreshing, trust me.
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear #119
Speaking of dramatic, gloomy books…Daredevil. Ben Affleck aside, I’ve never been interested in this character. Handicapped people make me nervous and…well, we’ll save that for KitD. That being said, this is a decent read right now. Look past the female Bullseye and The Owl (B-grade villains for a B-grade hero, I guess), and there’s an intriguing story being told here. This issue is part four of that story, so I would suggest picking up #116, and not impulse buying like I did because your pull-list was a tad light that week.
Overall: I braved my own personal phobias to pick this up, why can’t you? I mean, the blind ARE people, too. If you prick him, will he not kick your ass?