It’s true!
Previously, on an episode of Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie that I’m too lazy to look up right now (you should listen to all of them anyway), Aron and I spoke about the rumor that DC would be releasing more rings similar to the sweet jiminy awesome Black Lantern ring released with issue #1 of Blackest Night. Well, with the release of this week’s Previews, it’s now official that in order to sucker help encourage purchasing the many tie-in issues of Blackest Night released this November, many of them now come with sweet @$$ rings! Which ones do you wanna buy?
- Blackest Night #5 (Green Lanterns)
- Adventure Comics #4 (Blue Lanterns)
- Booster Gold #26 (Agent Orange)
- Doom Patrol #4 (Sinestro Corps)
- Justice League of America #39 (Red Lantern Corps)
- R.E.B.E.L.S. #10 (Indigo Tribe)
- The Outsiders #24 (Star Sapphires)
Maybe with Blackest Night #8, we’ll get a White Lantern ring? Ohhhhh…sweet. Looks like I’ll be buying a lot of books I don’t normally buy this November. Let’s hope my LCS takes pity on me and doesn’t make me buy them to get the rings! I mean, R.E.B.E.L.S.? Really?