RSS Feed
- A Micronauts movie?
- The 90’s X-Men Cartoon and others
- Doom Patrol #4 (Blackest Night tie-in)
- X-Force/New Mutans: Necrosha One-Shot #1
- Haunt #2
- Batman Update
- Detective Comics #858
- Batman Confidential #36
- Batman: The Widening Gyre #3
- Assault on New Olympus One-Shot #1
- X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas #1 & #2
- Astonishing X-Men #32
- Psylocke #1
- Doctor Voodoo #2
- Nova #31
- Chew #5
- Spider-Woman #2
- Fantastic Four #572
- Ultimate Spider-Man #4
- Ms. Marvel
- Trek week starts today! Plus, a FANTASTIC Trek contest!
- Listener mail
- Plus, a contest for full set of the various Corps rings!