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In a stunning turn, Paul invokes the Apontalypse signalling the destruction of all we hold dear and sacred. Before the world ends, though, we talk about the week’s comics.
- Paul sells some books, Paul buys some books from MyComicShop.com
- CANCELED: Kieron Gillen’s S.W.O.R.D and Rick Remender’s Doctor VooDoo
- Adventure Comics #6
- Blackest Night Update
- Green Lantern Corps #44
- Blackest Night: The Flash #2 (here’s the Scott Kolins interview we reference)
- Blackest Night: Phantom Stranger #42
- Blackest Night: Starman #81
- Siege Update
- Dark Avengers #13
- Dark Wolverine #82
- Mighty Avengers #33
- The Olivier Coipel poster we mention
- Fall of the Hulks Update
- Hulk #19
- Incredible Hulk #606
- Doctor Voodoo
- Streets of Gotham #8 (Thus begin the Apontalypse)
We have extended the entry period for our Indy Comic Book Week Sampler. Check it out! And just because we’re not giving away enough stuff, enter for your chance to win THE UNWRITTEN!
Ideology of Madness will be at the Dallas Comic Con on Saturday, January 30th. We’ll be interviewing folks there for both the podcast as well as capturing a bit of video. Stay tuned!
As always this post will be at the top THROUGH Tuesday – scroll down for the latest news!