The news rolled out every couple of hours at DC’s The Source Blog today, with nothing but awesome BRIGHTEST DAY related goodies!
In addition to this morning’s BRIGHTEST DAY announcement, DC’s starting off a week of announcements with even more BRIGHTEST DAY news, including the revelation that, in addition to being a 26-issue bi-weekly series, there will be a BRIGHTEST DAY banner on some of DC’s new and ongoing series, letting readers know that they’re key to the BRIGHTEST DAY story.
Sounds kind of like the Dark Reign banner that Marvel put on its books post-Secret Invasion (and I’d imagine a similar banner on titles post-SIEGE). Among the titles will obviously be Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps, but also Geoff Johns’ THE FLASH will bear the banner when it starts in May!
TITANs will also feature the BRIGHTEST DAY banner, and will be taken over by Eric Wallace and Fabrizio Fiorentino, the team from Final Crisis: Ink. The new leader of the Titans? Deathstroke, the Terminator! The Tattooed Man and Cheshire will also be part of the team. I’m a bit confused as to how this fits under the TITANS banner, given that the whole purpose of the title was to reunite the original Teen Titans. Wouldn’t a new team be better suited in a new book?
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, which sees a new roster this month, will already be seeing changed when the BRIGHTEST DAY banner hits it for April’s issue #44. Based on preview art, we’re also going to see a JSA crossover.
Also announced is that newly-signed DC exclusive artist David Finch will be the regular cover artist for BRIGHTEST DAY! Apparently, he’ll also be working on other titles, so DC’s definitely gonna get their money’s worth – and us Finch fans will get plenty of awesome art!
And finally, check out an interview with Geoff Johns on what’s coming up with the end of BLACKEST NIGHT and the beginning of BRIGHTEST DAY at ign.
Hell, maybe we’ll join in the fun and put a BRIGHTEST DAY banner on this site! We are essential reading, you know :-).