So, I guess the Blackest Night really does precede the Brightest Day, doesn’t it? We spoke on this week’s Funnybooks (listen now dammit) about the bad taste in our mouth by The Flash: Rebirth, easily a worst contender for worst series in 2009/2010 (right up there with Captain America: Reborn). The series, written by my favorite comics writer EVER, Geoff Johns, not only managed to brutalized me, Last House on the Left – style, but also managed to make me sit in a corner, rocking myself to sleep while cutting myself. It’s that bad. You’d think Grant Morrison wrote it.
Anyway (listen to Funnybooks for my full rage-induced review), the Brightest Day of the DC Universe may also bring a much-needed return to the type of Flash stories we love to read (Rogue’s Revenge and Blackest Night: The Flash, also by Johns, were excellent recent Flash tales) in the form of the new ongoing series The Flash, with story by Johns and art by his Adventure Comics collaborator, Francis Manapul.
The Flash #1, due out 4/14, is the first part of “The Dastardly Death of the Rogues,” a title which, hopefully, does not mean the death of some of my favorite characters in comics! DC’s Source Blog released a preview of the series and, if these pages are any indication of the whole, we’re going to be in for a real treat this April! Check out the preview by clicking any of the images below!