I’m debating this so bad…but I think that my desire to have my name pop up in the credits of a theatrically released movie will far surpass any power I give to my need to save money during the holiday season. Full Moon Pictures, the company behind the Puppet Master and Gingerdead Man series, is offering the opportunity to be an Executive Producer on their next film, Evil Bong 3D: The Wrath of Bong, which will be released (in limited release) theatrically next year.
All you have to do is buy a $200 gift card to the Full Moon store. You get the Executive Producer credit, a poster for the movie signed by the cast, and your $200 gift card automatically resets every year for the next two years…so you actually get $600 in merchandise.
More details after jump!
This is a very important day for Full Moon as we are announcing and launching a program that I hope you dudes will find super awesome and far-out and will inspire you to give Full Moon a hand in making its first Theatrical Release in over 15 years: EVIL BONG 3-D: THE WRATH OF BONG!!!
By purchasing The Full Moon EVERGREEN Gift Card (or any of the other 3 Full Moon Gift Cards!) you will not only get $600.00 worth of credit at fullmoondirect.com plus an on-screen Executive Producers credit plus an 11×17 poster of EVIL BONG 3-D signed by the entire cast – YOU WILL ALSO BE HELPING FULL MOON MAKE AND RELEASE EVIL BONG 3-D ACROSS THE COUNTRY ON 04.20.11 – NATIONAL POT DAY!!! Check out the Press Release!
It’s a big step for Full Moon to release this film theatrically not to mention in 3-D and Scratch & Sniff – but we’re going to do it ONLY WITH YOUR HELP! The EVERGREEN CARD is limited to x900 units – each one numbered starting with 001/900. In addition to all the credit and goodies listed above EVERGREEN cardholders can also look forward to some surprises and contests which will be announced soon! Cards are now available at www.fullmoondirect.com!!! And thank you all for helping Full Moon stay truly independent and unique!!!