Returning to the real world after three days of awesome at Word Wide Wing Night and Fear the Con 4 in St. Louis was brutal for your Funnybooks hosts. But at least Warren Beatty had a good week., what with winning his rights back to make a Dick Tracy film. And, hey, Neonomicon ended with a spectacularly unfulfilled promise of elder god junk. Join Aron, Paul, Tim, Wayne and Andrew as they lament the torture of real world.
- (Marvel) Uncanny X-Force, Captain America*, and Thor Point Ones
- (DC) Justice League: Generation Lost #22
- (Marvel) Amazing Spider-Man #656
- (Marvel)Thunderbolts #155
- (Marvel) Ultimate Doom #4
- (Marvel) Fear Itself Prologue: Book of the Skull
- (Marvel) Avengers Academy #11
- (Marvel) FF #1
- (Image) Lorna, Relic Wrangler One-Shot
- (Boom!) Soldier Zero #1-6
(*) None of us could remember how Sin, the Red Skull’s daughter, received her skullish visage. Our interns reviewed the record and found that Synthia “Sin” Schmidt (aka Mother Superior of the Sisters of Sin) was injured in an explosion while trying to put her father, the Red Skull, into Steve Rogers’ body. Beyond sounding like the plot of an awesome gay porno, her face was burned rendering her skully.