IoM Actual Play: And a Little Child Shall Eat Them (FtC4)

It’s been four years since children the world over turned on their parents, devouring their nurturers. They are predators our children. Cunning. Deadly. It’s been four years since the dead started walking. This is the fourth installment of my zombie apocalypse game utilizing the ALL FLESH MUST BE EATEN unisystem rules. Around the table this […]

IoM Actual Play: Ship-Wrecked on Monster Island

In the days after Serpentfall, a handful of Marines – the last of their once mighty unit – are shipwrecked on Kaijushima… a place you might know better as Monster Island. Wreathed in mist and veiled in mystery, Monster Island was bad enough during the BIG ONE, when it held cannibal soldiers sworn to kill […]

The Geeky Clean Give-a-way!

While at Fear the Con, I finally had the pleasure of meeting the good folks at Geeky Clean.  I’ve had a Twitter friendship with them for awhile now and it was great to put faces with the @name. Geeky Clean is the company that makes boutique soaps with geekish themes.  For instance, I bought a […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Mikey Mason is our Charlie Rose

On day two of Fear the Con 4, your Funnybooks hosts settled down to enjoy some lunch and chat about the con.  Since Wayne was otherwise engaged, John Stephens of Thistledown Actual Play was employed to fill the role of Fake Wayne (aka False Wayne or Fool’s Wayne).  We were joined by comedian Mikey Mason […]