The KNIGHTS OF REIGNSBOROUGH are coming back at you THIS FRIDAY!  Yes  folks, after a long hiatus and some changes, KNIGHTS OF REIGNSBOROUGH season two is headed your way with all new episodes of sandoxing, prequel stories and, yes, long-awaited actual play!

Don’t know who the KNIGHTS OF REIGNSBOROUGH are, or been a while since you listened to season one?  Get caught up this week with the original episodes, as well as checking out some added goodies (new character art and character sheets for all the playable characters), and the announcement of the winners from FREE FUNNYBOOK DAY!  It’s gonna be an awesome week!

Today’s featured episodes are V and VI, where, in addition to fleshing out the player characters with back-story and supporting cast, we explore story boundaries.  What’s fair game in terms of encroaching on core character concepts?  What’s off-limits?  Are there different rules for different players?  We talk it all out.

Then, in episode VI, we get down to the nuts and bolts of statting out characters.  And as in all character generation sessions, we chase rabbits, but in so doing, we learn.  Full character sheets will be released this Friday after the release of the new episode!

Click here to download episode five (or click here to listen in your browser)

Click here to download episode six (or click here to listen in your browser)