RSS Feed
- The Dark Knight Rises with the Man of Steel trailer!
- Comicon News
- Item 47,
- Kevin Smith,
- Thomas Jane returns as the Punisher,
- Guardians of the Galaxy,
- Winter Soldier movie, and
- Arrow TV series
- Tim Drake is a nobody
- Daredevil rights may return to Marvel from Fox
- Cyberforce Kickstarter was ¼ funded in the first day
- Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #2
- Captain Marvel #1
- Avengers vs. X-Men #8
- Avengers Academy #33
- Daredevil #15
- The Darkness #105
- Saga #5
You can join the countdown to the return of Paul’s Mom Jokes… or Wayne’s expiration date.
Knights of Reignsborough Season 2 is on! The first of our Reignsborough Actual Play recordings from Fear the Con! Rogues of Reignsborough: Escape from Dauger Island dropped a few weeks ago. Ghosts of Reignsborough dropped last weekend and Squires of Reignsborough hits August 3rd.
Give us a call at 972-763-5903 and leave us your thoughts. If we use your voicemail, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize.