Here it is! The long awaited first episode of BATMAN WITH ARON AND PAULIE! To celebrate the 75th anniversary of one of our favorite heroes, we’ve gotten together to start a monthly focus on the Batfamily!
In this first episode, we talk about the latest in Batman news, including Batman ’66 coming to DVD, the announcement of JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time (more information at World’s Finest), and the upcoming documentary Legends of the Knight (more information at WeAreBatman.com). We talk at length about the start of the new Bat-crossover Gothtopia in Detective Comics #27 and Batgirl #27, then discuss our favorite Batman scores, and the annoucement of La-La Land Records’ “Superman: The Animated Series,” “Batman: The Brave And The Bold” Soundtracks (more information at World’s Finest).
For our first episode, we do an audio commentary on the Batman: The Animated Series pilot “On Leather Wings” Commentary.
Also, as an added bonus, we talk to Rob Justice (from BS! Radio) about his new online role playing game, Gotham Reborn, set in a world where Batman is dead and new heroes are needed! More information about Gotham Reborn can be found on BS! Radio and on the Gotham Reborn official site.
Give us a call at 972-763-5903 and leave us your thoughts. If we use your voicemail, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize! (more information in the show)