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Paul’s Journal
- Image had a ton of Image Expo Announcements
- Brubaker/Phillips 5-Year Deal,
- Snyder/Jock on Wytches,
- Grant Morrison/Chris Burnham Nameless
- Action Comics #27
- Earth-2 #19
- Injustice: Year Two #1
- Original Sin by Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato
- Revelations #1
- Iron Fist by Kaare Andrews
- Avengers World #1
- Amazing Spider-Man #1 by Slott and Ramos
- All-New Marvel Now Point One #1
- The new Ultimates Universe
- Cataclysm: The Ultimate’s Last Stand #3
- Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3
- Batman w/ Aron and Paulie
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