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Political correctness? Not in this week’s episode of Funnybooks! Aron and Paul discuss a love that dare not speak its name, and of course we chat about the big reveals of TV’s Flash and Constantine. Wayne pimps the new anthology Sojourn, for which he contributed a story (buy it here), and the guys discuss a potential rivalry at DC… Plus, reviews of the latest in comics!
- A love that dare not speak its name
- First images of The Flash and Constantine revealed!
- Sojourn: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction
- Tim gets a testosterone shot
- Dan Didio/Geoff Johns rivalry
- Infinity Man and the Forever People
- All-New X-Men #24
- Starlight #1
- Superior Spider-Man #29
- Hawkeye #17
- Secret Avengers #1
- Fantastic Four #2
- Magnus: Robot Fighter #1
- The Six Million Dollar Man Season Six #1
Don’t forget our NEW CONTEST, where you can win a Blu-Ray or DVD of Beware the Batman: Shadows of Gotham Season 1, Part 1! To win, either leave us feedback on the show in the comments here, or give us a call at 972-763-5903972-763-5903 and leave us your thoughts. More information in the show!